Beat the Clock
Beat the clock is a competitive workout that was made to burn a good amount of calories in a short amount of time. The goal is to do the prescribed exercise in one minute. If you have time leftover, then rest or grab some water. When you finish that exercise, rest until you get to the start of the next minute. Repeat.
Grab your stop watch or a tabata clock and a water bottle and lets get moving.
- 10 Star JumpsĀ in a minute
- 20 Burpees in a minute
- 30 Pushups in a minute
- 40 Jump squats in a minute
- 50 mountain climbers in a minute
- 60 jumping Jacks in a minute
- Repeat 1 more time if you are a beginner. Repeat 2 more times if you are advanced.
Star Jumps should be the only exercise that you haven’t already done on If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me!