Good for the HEART – Benefits of Interval Training
Let me start off by saying that I am a HUGE fan of interval training. Most of the time you will find me doing intervals at the track, on the beach, in the gym, or at the park. To me, interval training kills two birds with one stone. You can do interval training anywhere and you don’t need any equipment to get a good workout. Interval training increases your heart rate for short bursts (a very hard heart rate level) and then you bring it back down a bit for a “rest” period (a moderate heart rate level). Besides all of the science that is involved….improved cardiovascular strength, and increased fat burn….your workouts are more effective in a shorter amount of time which helps handle each workout mentally because you only have to work REALLY HARD for a short period of time.
Katie Blaylock is going to share with us the benefits of interval training. Katie has been in the fitness industry for 5 years. She currently works for the Medical University of South Carolina in the Wellness Center Human Performance Lab. Katie has helped men and women lose TONS of weight and gain confidence by providing them with the proper fitness tools. She teaches many different classes at MUSC as well as being a personal trainer for the Biggest Loser program in Charleston. You can reach Katie at [email protected].
1. You feel amazing for the rest of the day. With interval training, endorphin production is ramped to the max. Interval training – due to its short bursts of intense activity – really get the endorphins flowing, and you feel fantastic.
2. Your resting pulse drops like a stone. Resting pulse is a good measure of stroke volume – the amount of blood your heart pumps on each beat. The more blood pumped per beat the LESS your heart needs to beat each minute..
3. You save wear and tear on your heart. Because interval training increases your heart’s stroke volume, your heart beats less during the course of the day to provide the amount of blood you need flowing to your tissues. Less heart beats means less wear and tear.
4. Lowered cholesterol levels. Again, cardiovascular exercise has consistently been shown to reduce blood cholesterol. Lower cholesterol has many medical benefits, including lowered risk of heart disease, arthritis, and other inflammatory disorders.
5. Stronger immune system. Your immune system responds positively to regular strenuous exercise. Interval training – due to its intense qualities – yields a heightened immune response. People who exercise regularly build-up a “shield” against colds and flu.
6. You get younger. Yes, really. The benefits of exercise are profound and impact both physical and personal aspects of your life. You sleep better. You wake up more refreshed. You skin glows. Your digestion improves. Overall, you’re healthy and well. Your attitude throughout the day becomes consistently positive. You have more ideas. You’re more creative. You’re more fun to be around.
This looks so good; maybe I could do interval training in my new boots!!!!