Get Shredded
Get shredded is a workout geared to get you in the BEST shape of your life. Whether you will use this workout to get into shape for snowboard/ski season or you just want to look great in your New Years Eve outfit, this workout is for you. I have designed this workout with legs and core in mind. There are just 5 exercises in the whole workout. You will complete as many rounds of 15 repetitions of these 5 exercises in a 15 minute time period. As soon as I pop out our baby, I will be doing this workout asap…….hopefully helping me get my pre-baby body back! :o) Good luck!
- 180 Snowboard twists– Perform a squat with quads parallel to the floor. Jump up and as you are in the air, twist your body 180 degrees so that you land in a squat position facing the opposite way that you started. Jump again back to starting position. That is 1.
- V crunch- Lay flat on back on a mat with your legs flat and your arms by side. Make sure lower back is flat/tight against the floor, and maintain this as you raise your legs so your feet are pointing towards the ceiling. At the same time, lift your shoulder off the mat and try to touch your toes.
- Ski Jumps- Place a towel or rope on the floor next to you (length wise). The long side should be running parallel to your body. You are going to keep your feet together and hop over the towel into a squated position (feet should still be side by side). Hope back to the other side. That is 1.
- Pushups
- Walking Lunges– Stand with feet hip width apart and move your right foot forward, bending both knees and with the left knee pointing towards the floor. Keep your upper body straight. Slightly straighten your legs and do another Lunge as you move forward. Step forward using your left foot and bend both knees to a 90 degree angle. (make sure to keep your back straight, your torso upright, and your abs tight. Don’t lean forward, or let your knee pass forward your big toe in the middle position)
**Also, don’t forget that your Bosu ball or balance boards are a GREAT way to help get ready for that ski trip.