Lift THAT Baby!
If you are trying to gain more upper body strength for lifting a baby, lifting boxes over your head, putting things into higher cabinets, moving furniture around, or just want some nice toned arms. this workout is for you! Lift THAT Baby is designed to work on upper body strength. The workout was designed with preggos in mind but you do not have to be pregnant to do this workout. This workout still provides a great upper body routine for just about anyone. Whether you are 65 or 25, you can do this workout and get full benefits from it.
Workout: You will complete each exercise for 2 sets. You will do one set of air squats between the first two exercises and one set of air squats between the last two exercises.
Equipment: 3 or 5 lb weights, 8 or 10 lb weights, mat, 2 pillows or a bosu/SB ball (if you are pregnant and need an elevated back)
Level: Everyone & BarBellies
Time: 15 minutes
Bosu chest press Superset Chest Flys
Air squats
Kneeling/balanced shoulder presses Superset Lateral Raises
Overhead Skull crushers Superset Overhead Tricep extension
Air Squats
Hammer Curls (biceps) Superset bicep band curls