Lift & Tone
I am not sure if you all have noticed that not many videos have been posted in the last few weeks. If you have noticed, I am sorry for not posting any BUT I have a very good reason. My husband and I are expecting our very first baby and we had to keep our miracle a secret for the first 16 weeks until we were able to make it up to Buffalo to tell his family in person. I started to show around week 15, however, I just felt fat up to that point.
With all of that said, I am taking this experience and making it into something that I can share with all of my workout friends/readers. There will be a new section on my website called BarBellies. This section will be at the top of the page and will provide you with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimester pregnant workouts, workouts for women wanting to get pregnant, and workouts for women trying to lose that baby weight. I will also be posting some different meal ideas (since pregnant women are limited by a lot of things that we can eat).
Lift & Tone workout is designed for lifting and toning your butt and arm muscles. This workout hits those trouble spots and will give you the confidence to wear sleevless shirts and miniskirts :o)
Remember, just because this is part of BarBellies, doesn’t mean you cannot do this workout if you are not preggo. I will be tailoring these workouts so that EVERYONE can do them and get in a great weight/cardio routine. Have fun!
Workout: You will complete 2 sets of each exercise (except for the bridge) for approx. 15-20 reps. Cardio intervals will be included in this workout.
Equipment: Medium weight OR medicine ball, Bosu Ball, light band, & mat
Level: Intermediate/BarBellies (safe for pregnant women)
Time: 20 minutes
Bosu Pushups
Squat MedBall throws
Alternating Hamstring Kicks SS pulse dips
Bent over flys
Bridge w walking planks
Front Alternating lunges
**ALWAYS consult your physician before starting an exercise program…..especially if you are pregnant.
I’m so excited for y’all! Can’t wait to see how you progress and how the ‘bellies’ workouts progress. Will definitely be helpful for me when we decide to have baby 2. Keep up the good work and post some baby bump pics when you feel up to it. 🙂 Lots of love to you and Baby S! (and Patrick too!)