Work It Girl
Most of us probably know about or have heard about “Crossfit”. It isn’t my favorite style of workout session for the average person BUT I do think that the style of the program is awesome. The high intensity, body weight workouts are pretty effective in losing weight, increasing cardiovascular endurance, and toning up. I think that if you are going to do Crossfit, you need to make sure that you get the proper teaching/learning (which might not always be the case with beginners), form and instruction on the actual exercises in order to get the full benefits of the workout and to not get hurt. (Just my personal opinion…..don’t take offense to it if you are a Crossfit-er already :o) ) So, with that being said, I have developed a workout of my own that follows the high intensity of Crossfit, but is using your body weight for ALL of the exercises instead of learning how to do “strongman” style exercises. Oh, and we aren’t going for time here. So make sure to actually take your time and do each and every exercise with precise and proper form to insure your safety.
Here we go!
“Strong is the new skinny”
Pick 5-7 of your favorite body weight exercises and do 50 reps of each. When you have conquered 50 reps, do 75 reps of each, and when you can do that… 100 reps of each!
My favorites are:
box jumps, pushups, squat thrusts, one legged deadlifts (I did 50 each side with no weight), jump rope, chair dips, and lunges.
** If you want more of an abdominal/oblique workout, add in things like situps, knee to chest clam situps, bicycles, and toe touches.
“Sweat Is Fat Crying”
Pick 3 exercises and do 15-25 reps each and separate each round with a 400 meter run (this is one time around a track. If you don’t have a track, do a 2 minute fast run). Repeat 3 times.
Squat Jumps (remember to get your butt down and keep your knees behind your toes), handstand pushups (about 50 seconds in), Get Up exercise (