workout for the traveling woman
Did you have a long, hard day in meetings while traveling for work? Do you need to let off some steam but don’t feel like leaving your room in fear that you will run into the “boss” or other co-worker? If you are in need of a great fat burning workout while in your hotel room, try these exercises. They will be sure to kick your butt and give you that adrenaline you need to make your night that much better!
Perform each exercise 30 times for 2 sets each. Once you are finished with one exercise, move on to the next. This workout is about 20 minutes long. You do not need any equipment, chairs, or other furniture to complete this workout.
Star Jumps
Twisting Planks
Monkey Benders
Pushups w/ knee to elbow
Reverse Planks with Butt raise
Deep Plie Squats
If you are feeling brave, get out of your room and run the hotel stairs for about 20 minutes. If you are still afraid you will run into someone you don’t want to see, take your run outside.